Christopher Brian Cox
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA
Physics major with a minor in Art, currently one class short of earning
Memphis State University, Memphis TN
Unclassified student (during medical leave from CMU, Spring 1989-Spring
Work Experience
Adobe Systems, Inc.: September 1996 - June 2016
Senior Computer Scientist, Photoshop
Primarily responsible for performance in Photoshop, also working on color
features, advanced features, and performance in other applications
Adaptive Solutions, Inc.: March 1995 - August 1996
Principal programmer for the PowerShop prepress accelerator board
REST-Frame project, Carnegie Mellon University
(a rendering system incorporating Special Relativity)
Main programmer, coordinated efforts of other programmers; also wrote and
edited several papers for conferences and publication
Very experienced with C/C++ programming language in MacOS, UNIX, and Windows
Very experienced with image processing, general computer graphics programming and applications
Very experienced with color management, color science, light and color measurement
Very familiar with Macintosh, Windows, and UNIX operating systems
Very familiar with 3D printing technologies, especially FDM, SLA, and UV cured Polyjet
Very familiar with computer and network installation, maintainence, and
Much experience with graphic design, color separation, photography, and
technical art production
Familiar with Assembly, Pascal, PostScript, and FORTRAN programming languages
Working knowledge of electronic design, construction and repair
Histogram for generating a palette of colors -- US6411730B1
Using difference kernels for image filtering -- US7359576B1
Using difference kernels for image filtering, continuation -- US7792386B1
Method and apparatus for applying a filter to an image with a large range of pixel values -- US7783121B1
Fast bilateral filtering using rectangular regions -- US8594445B2
Higher dynamic range image sensor with signal integration -- US7202463B1
Partial List of Publications
Detection of Damaging Effects of Radiation upon Fiber Optic Materials
by ESR and TSL Techniques
Recovery of Radiation Damage in Plastic Scintillation and Light Pipe
The Presence of Twinning Type Defects in High Tc Superconductor (HTS)-Based
Substrates as Detected by Thermally Stimulated Luminescence (TSL) Technique
Proceedings of the 1991 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of
the American Physical Society, November 1991
( These were written in conjunction with M. Shah Jahan, David Ermer, and
Eric Klumpf of the Memphis State University physics department )
Wide-band Relativistic Doppler Effect Visualization
Proceedings of Visualization 90 (San Francisco), October 1990
Doppler Color Shift in Relativistic Image Synthesis
International Conference on Information Technology (Tokyo, Japan), October
( These were written in conjunction with Ping K. Hsiung (and other project
personnel) at Carnegie Mellon University )
Major Programming Work
Photoshop 4.0 through 17.0
Responsible for performance, crash analysis and resolution, many features
A Photoshop and prepress accelerator board using a 64 processor SIMD array;
wrote devices drivers, SIMD microcode, Photoshop bottlenecks and plug-ins
MacZephyr CMU
A Macintosh client for the MIT zephyr message system, written as a personal project.
REST-Frame rendering system
Ray-tracing and zbuffer rendering programs incorporating Special Relativity, plus file translation
Photoshop Plug-Ins
I lost count at somewhere around 200....
Eagle Scout earned June 1986
Brother, Alpha Phi Omega (national coed volunteer service fraternity)
served as First Vice President, Fall 1993
- Photoshop Hall of Fame Inductee in 2010
Work as volunteer with local charities and non-profit organizations
Hobbies: Camping, Hiking, Photography, Electronics, Painting, Gem and Mineral collecting
References available upon request
NOTE: HTML != InDesign